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Repost: Manila Declaration 1980

Esperanto Version in PDF

The United Nations World Tourism Organsation adopted a declaration, which said using Esperanto. Find the part under Human Resources.

The Declaration B is as below.



The world tourism conference convened by the World Tourism
Organizatiion at Manila., from 27 September to10 October 1980, to consider issues affecting both the public aud the private sector' which require immediate attention, in the interest of the harmonious development of tourism,

Having heard the addresses by His Excellency Ferdinand E. Marcos, President of the Republic of the Philippines, and Madame Imelda Rotnualdez' Marcos, Governor of Metropolitan Manila and Minister of Human Settlements, the messages from Heads of State and Government to the Conference, the statements of delegations, the report of the Secretary-General and the comments of delegations on the:relevant Conference. Documents,

Has agreed that :


Having considered document CMT/DB/13 on "Better Management Supply'', submitted by the Secretary-General, and documents. CMT I CP /1 3 submitted by participants

Finds that :

l. Tourism supply within a country is not a separate entity but is linked to al1 other sectors of national life.

2. National. tourism supply strategies must take into account,··
those of the local and regional communities.

  1. Improving the quality of supply, which also demands respect for the consumer, is an objective which must be borne in mind at all times; this does not only mean that there must be luxury services but also that facilities must be more carefully planned, keeping in mind the be nature of demand, so as to secure access to tourism, both domestic and international, for larger segments of the population while at the same time maintaining if not improving the quality of those facilities.
  1. The development of human resources through training and information is necessary for improving the quality of all tourist undertakings.
5. Public authorities and tourism organizations have a major responsibility with regard to the authenticity of the tourist image and tourist product and the provision and dissemination, through all communication media, of objective, accurate and
comprehensive information on available facilities, particularly in the case of new destinations.

  1. At a time when States are formulating new energy-saving policies, due emphasis must be placed on the benefits accruing from tourism so that tourism supply is treated on a comparable footing with the other sectors aud in terms of national priorities.
  1. Tourism planning policy should be formulated at the local, regional or national level within the context of national planning; such policies should be subject to periodic assessment from both the quantitative and the qualitative standpoint.
  1. An accurate analysis of tourism trends and determination of supply requirements depend on the implementation of generally accepted standards for collection of statistics on domestic and international tourism.
  1. The development of supply cal1s for a greater effort of understanding, cooperation and coordination between the public sector and the private and social sector and among different countries.
10. Tourism development at both the national and international level can make a positive contribution to the life of the nation provided the supply is well planned and of a high standard and protects and respects the cultural heritage, the values of tourism and the natural, social and human environment.
In view of the above:

Urges that consultation and exchanges of views and experience take place between developing and industrialized countries so as to bring about a favourable interdependence and reduce any excessive dependence on transnational corporations in the development of tourism;

Expresses its conviction that a greater standardization of the characteristics of tourism supply will make it possible to adapt the cost of building and maintaining facilities ta actual requirements;

Emphaizes the importance of ensuring a better utilization of supply by means of the adoption by States and operators of measures designed to stagger holidays, protect the consumer and promote domestic tourism;

Urges governments to adopt and apply generally accepted standards
and methodologies for the collection of international and domestic tourism statistics and invites the World Tourism Organization, as the central agency in this field, to step up its efforts towards standardization and comparability of tourism statistics, by extending its programmes of missions and activities,by reinforcing its
capabilities in the application of internationally accepted statistical standards and methodologies and by ocher appropriate means;

Urges that the best conditions be secured for small and medium sized enterprises so that they can play their indispensable role in the development and diversification of tourism supply; and

Advocates the study of new forms of tourism supply geared to the requirements of future domestic and international demand, so as
to permit inter alia the use of low cost local resources and building techniques that can be harmoniously integrated. with the local environment;

Appeals for efforts to be intensified to avoid the overloading of tourist facilities, to preserve and highlight the artistic and cultural heritage of countries, to promote the educational value of tourism and to protect the species of fauna an,d flora for the benefit of future generations.

Having examined document CMT/DB/14 on 'Technological Cooperation' in
the Field of Tourism submitted by the Secretary-General,and documents CMT/CP/14 submitted by participants,

Finds that:

l. Technological cooperation in the field of tourism aims at reducing the cost of producing tourist services, improving their quality, strengthening the infrastructure and promoting technologica1 self-sufficiency.

  1. It therefore increases the contribution of tourist activities to the development process.
3. Adequate and equitable technological cooperation avoids the
recurrence of mechanisms oi underdevelopment, income imbalance and

4. The transfer of technology should be carried out in a planned
way, so as to enable its assimilation by the receiving countries
without causing a break between tradition and innovation.

5. Technology transfer may have detrimental effects or may not attain the objectives desired if it is not carried out under appropriate conditions and in a human environment suitable and appropriate for receiving and assimilating it; States must make it their essential concern to ensure that in al1 technology transfers the preliminary conditions required far its acceptance in the human
environment are present.

In view of the above

Urges States to take into account in their choice of technologies in the field of tourism, the need to adapt them to local circumstances the importance of harmonizing the various local and foreign technologies,the need for such technologies to be based on well-tested, applied techniques, and the dynamism and rapid evolution of technology;

Stresses the value for developing countries of reliance on human and other resources available in their own countries to facilitate the transfer and absorption of technology as part of a global development strategy;

Underlines the primordial role played by vocational training in improving the quality and increasing the number of experts available in the field of technological cooperation in tourism;

Requests States to base themselves, when the time comes and as far as possible, on the "International Code for Technology Transfer", within the framework of their technological cooperation for tourism;

Urges the World Tourism Organization tto continue its efforts to facilitate. the exchange of technical tourist information, specifically by considering the possibility of establishing a worldwide tourist information system, while avoiding the scattering and duplication of efforts, so as to increase the capacity of al1 countries, and especially developing countries, for action and management and thus to strengthen their technological autonomy by means, where appropriate, of advanced technologies such as data teleprocessing;

Advocates that technological cooperation between governments, undertakings and associations in the developing and developed countries be intensified, particularly through joint bilateral and multilateral projects;

Advocates that the transfer and absorption of technology be a major component in every tourism cooperation and investment project;

Urges that the World Tourism Organization continue to give major priority to its activities in this field as a United Nations Development Programme's executing agency.


Having considered document CMT/DB/15 on "The ]Development on Human
Resources" , submitted by the Secretary-General, and documents CMT/CP/15 submitted by participants,

Finds that :

1. Vocational training and the continuous up-dating of technical skills in the field of tourism are essential not only for the recipient but also for society as a whole.

  1. Professiona1 competence largely depends on the quality of basic; general as well as technical training, at horne and abroad, and on receptiveness to exchanges of experience among nations.
3. In the planning of tourism development, the training of
skilled human resources must be associated with the creation of the tourist product.

  1. Tourism is one of the activities in which man is at the centre of the development process.
  2. The quality of the tourist product is a decisive factor in the determining the tourist. image of a country.

6. The problems of vocational training in both the developed and the developing countries are of prime importance for the tourist of development of those countries.

7. Policies for the development of human resources should not only be carried out on the basis of economic criteria and meet training needs but should also have regard to the social aspects of tourist activities, and more particularly the promotion of the total human being as he fits into society and in his individual
fulfillment from the spiritual and moral as wel1 as the material point of view.

In view of the above:

Insists on the importance of integrated planning of the training of human resources;

Urges that all possible measures be taken to improve the standing of tourist occupations and raise the status of their practitioners;

Urges the industralised and developing countries to make a joint study within the framework of the World Tourism Organization, on a regional basis and, where appropriate, in cooperation with the other international organizations concerned, of the problems of the lack of teaching staff, of finding sufficient numbers of local
staff to act in a supervisory capacity and of the drain of qualified personnel;

Notes with satisfaction the decisions adopted by the World Tourism Organization with a view to tbe regionalization of its vocational training facilities and trusts that the creation of such facilties will be accelerated;

Urges that efforts be pursued to promote tourism consciousness, in order to facilitate and foster communication between visitors, the residents in the tourist reception area and tourism personnel;

Underlines in this respect the importance of knowledge of languages notably those with a universal vocation such as esperanto;

Urges international and regional financial institutions to participant more actively in vocational projects, and particularly in the establishment of teaching centres in developing countries;

Urges the World Tourism Organization to set forth new objectives in regard to vocational training in order to meet adequately the future needs of the tourism sector;

Notes with satisfaction the importance attached by the Members of the World Tourism Organization to vocational training in the field of tourism and the efforts made by the Organization to guarantee the further training of human resources, especially in developing countries, and specifical1y in the form of technical meetings, study cycles and correspondence courses organized by its International
Centre for Advanced Tourism Studies (ClEST) in Mexieo;

Urges the World Tourism Organization to continue fully to assume its fundamental role and responsibilities, in respect of vocational training for tourism in particular, in its capacity as executing agency for the United Nations Development Programme.


Having examined document CM! /DB/16 on “Aims concerning freedom of
movement”, submitted by the Secretary-General, and documents
CMT/CP/16 submitted by participants,

Fines that :
  1. Freedom of movement which finds its expression in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 and the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europa, 1975, is indispensable for participation in travel, for the harmonious development of tourism and for individual fulfillment.
  1. The recommendations on facilitation adopted by the United Nations Conference on International Travel and Tourism (Rome, 1963) represented a major stage in facilitation and continue to serve as a yardstick for future action.
  1. With regard to international tourist relations, it is indispensable to take into account the social and economic situation of each country and the importance of respecting its national sovereignty, laws and traditions in the field of tourism, as well as the rights and duties of its citizens.

In view of the above:

Notes with satisfaction that the world Tourism Organization has already included in its general programme of work the review of the state of facilitation in the world and the formulation of
recommended standards sud practices in this connection;

Trusts that,in its deliberations on the subject, the World Tourism Organization will be able to denote its attention inter alía to

a) the need for adequate training, particularly as regards tourism consciousness for all officials responsible for border formalities;

b) the desirability to standardizing embarkation/dissembarkation cards and, ultimately, their abolition by means of the introduction of new methods for the collection of tourism statistics;

e) the use of electronic techniques for passport control and security procedures;

  1. means of speeding up and simplifying customs clearance.
Recalls the steps taken during the International Tourism Year procliamed in 1967 at the initiative of the International Union of Official Travel Organizations; and in that respect

Invites States to consider the possibility on a reciprocal or
unilateral basis, of abolishing visa requirements for short stays by tourists;

Considers that the development of tourist traffic between developing
countries requires that exchange control regulations in these countries should be made more flexible and liberalized;

Expresses the opinion that taxes, which, unlike general taxes, are imposed solely on tourists, are frequently detrimental to tourism, unless the revenue thus obtained is invested directly in the tourism sector or in the promotion of tourism;

Considers that the efforts of the World Tourism Organization to establish a Tourist Code and Tourism Bill of Rights are of a nature to promote mutual understanding and cooperation among all nations and the greater development of tourism in all its aspects;

Urges the World Tourism Organization to consider the possibility of establishing recommended practices in respect of medical assistance and the legal protection of the economic interests of tourists, whether engaged in individual or collective travel outside their country of residence;

Urges governments to refrain from introducing restrictions, formalities or other impediments to the entry or exit of travellers as well as barriers,physical or psychological, to the flow of tourists from one country to another;

Appeals to States to recognize and respect the right of the individual,
irrespective o freligion, race,creed or residence, to visit his homeland and to take all necessary steps to facilitate his free movement and ensure his security;

Calls upon states which due to any unilateral action by other states have benefitted from facilities concerning visas and other travel formalities to consider the possibility to reciprocate such measures;

Calls upon States, with a view. to facilitating tourist movements,to implement the provisions contained in the facilitation instruments emanating from the United Nations, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization and the Customs Co-operation Council;

Requests the World Tourism Organization, through existing mechanisms, to take all possible steps to encourage the facilitation of tourism.


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