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UNESCO calling NGOs to use Esperanto


Resolution of 1985 General Conference of Unesco. Twenty-third session. Sofia (Bulgary), 1985.

Resolution adopted on November 8th, 1985, in the thirty-sixth plenary-meeting.

11.11 - Celebration of the centenary of Esperanto.

The General Conference,

Considering that the General Conference at its 1954 session in Montevideo, by its resolution IV.1.4.422-4224, took note of of the results attained by the international language Esperanto in the field of international intellectual exchange and mutual understanding among the peoples of the world, and recognized that those results corresponded with the aims and ideals of Unesco,

Recalling that Esperanto has in the meantime made considerable progress as a means for the advancement of mutual understanding among peoples and cultures of different countries, penetrating most regions of the world and most human activities,

Recognizing the great potential of Esperanto for international understanding and communication among peoples of different nationalities,

Noting the considerable contribution of the Esperanto movement, and especially of the Universal Esperanto Association, to the spreading of information about the activities of Unesco, as well as its participation in those activities,

Aware of the fact that in 1987 Esperanto celebrates its centenary of existence,

1. Congratulates the Esperanto movement on its centenary ;

2. Requests the Director-General to continue following with attention the development of Esperanto as a means for better understanding among different nations and cultures ;

3. Invites the Member States to mark the centenary of Esperanto by suitable arrangements, declarations, issuing of special postal stamps, etc., and to promote the introduction of a study programme on the language problem and Esperanto in their schools and higher educational institutions ;

4. Recommends that international non-governmental organizations join in celebrating the centenary of Esperanto and consider the possibility of the use of Esperanto as a means for the spreading of all kinds of information among their members, including information on the work of Unesco.

on page 86


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